What is your source?
A literature review is an essential component of any research study, but can be a daunting task due to the amount of reading and critical thinking required. The workshop "Making your path to a literature review easier" offered a step-by-step approach to creating a comprehensive literature review.
The AWC has a column in the "Careers in Science" telegram channel
AWC’s Friday Writing Tips is a go-to resource in Russian if you are interested in matering your research writing skills. We hope that the information will be useful both to seasoned and novice writers.
Video & Podcasts: Make your research go beyond academia
The AWC held a workshop on creative ways of disseminating research: video abstracts, podcasts, and social media.
Academic writing: Where to start
What do we recommend to those who have never written an academic text in English but would like to give it a try? Certainly courses at the HSE Academic Writing Center.
How to stand out in academia
It won’t be an exaggeration to say that we live in a digital world characterized by constantly changing trends in communication. The academic community is no exception. That is why we chose new trends in disseminating research as a topic for our workshop that took place earlier this week.
Tips for enhancing your research paper
Are you struggling to write an academic paper that meets the highest quality standards? If so, fear not - we're here to help.
How authoritative is your authorial voice?
Expressing original ideas persuasively appears to be one of the most crucial skills for a researcher. This week, the AWC held a workshop on authorial voice and authenticity in an academic text.
How a foreign colleague understands your email
One of the hottest issues we often discuss at The Academic Writing Center is cross-cultural communication. We hosted another online workshop on cultural intricacies of professional communication with the virtual specialist from Tamrika Khvtisiashvili.
International Writing Centers Week 2023 #IWCW23
Today, February 13, marks the start of the International Writing Centers Week.
Unlocking the potential of failure
The Academic Writing Center ran an online workshop that dealt with the phenomenon of failure, its significance and interpretation in different cultures.