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Workshops & Seminars

Every fortnight we organize practice-oriented workshops and seminars to help you develop academic writing and speaking skills in English. The topics have been chosen to address your needs. Among our speakers are writing experts, textbook authors, editors, reviewers, and prolific writers.

As all our workshops are interactive and practice-oriented, we will appreciate it if you keep your cameras switched on and take an active part in discussions.

You can watch videos of some of the past online workshops on our YouTube channel. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to the channel and develop your academic writing skills with us!

Upcoming workshops

Previous Workshops


"The rise of Asia” era: Typical features of communication with Chinese partners (29.01.2025)


What we need to write a review (20.02.24)

New publication strategies: Between global and local (12.03.24)

Writing a reasoned Discussion: Structure and language (26.03.24)

How to criticize politely (9.04.24)

Show your voice in the text: Using boosting and hedging techniques (24.04.24)

Navigating nominalization: From useful patterns to impactful academic writing (14.05.24)

The art of adequacy: How to write a strong motivation letter (28.05.24)

Emotional intelligence in academia (11.06.24)

AI ethics in academia: Rethinking policies for integrity and innovation (16.09.24)

What leads to publication failure (10.10.24)

How “to sell” your research to the journal (24.10.24)

Dos and don’ts of communicating with reviewers and editors (07.11.24)

Accent Diversity and How to Deal with It (25.11.24)

Cultural diversity and how to deal with it (02.12.24)


Punctuation tour (24.01.2023)

Cross-cultural dialogue: Unlocking the potential of failure (07.02.2023)

International bridge-building: Politeness in professional correspondence (21.02.2023)

Find your voice (28.02.2023)

Infographics, microblogs, and other digital literacies: Multimodal approaches for innovative dissemination of research (14.03.2023)

Video abstract, podcasts, and social media: Tips to improve the visibility and dissemination of research (28.03.2023)

Making your path to a literature review easier (11.04.2023)

Taking a bite of AI: Let's chew on it together (25.04.2023)

Artificial intelligence to facilitate your research writing (16.05.2023)

Advertising in the academic world (30.05.2023)

Researcher’s personal brand: Why bother (13.06.2023)

Handling difficulties in writing: Psychological tips and pre-writing strategies (03.10.2023)

On the menu: AI-assisted literature reviews (17.10.2023)

Nouns plus: Mastering the art of using noun phrases in academic writing (14.11.2023)

Learn from Others (28.11.2023)

Genre features of a book review (05.12.2023)

Organizing and Maintaining Peer-Writing Groups (19.12.2023)


From reviewers, to reviewers, about reviews (25.01.2022)

Сompound and complex sentences in academic discourse: Humanities vs. hard sciences (08.02.2022)

Marry words wisely: Combinability resources (01.03.2022)

Beyond the article: Components of the publication process that no one talks about (16.03.2022)

Making friends of “limitations”: Strategies for reporting & contextualizing research limitations (23.03.2022)

Grantwriting 101: All-purpose approaches to writing successful grants (30.03.2022)

Avoiding misplaced and dangling modifiers in academic writing (12.04.2022)

Academic writing myths debunked: How to really link your ideas (26.04.2022)

Argumentation: How to spot and avoid logical fallacies (17.05.2022)

How to be more authentic: Dealing with typical vocabulary mistakes Russian speakers tend to make (31.05.2022)

Academic writing traditions: Tips on how to switch from local to international publishing requirements (14.06.2022)

Making strong claims in the disciplines: The structure of thesis statements in academic articles (20.09.2022)

Smart technologies and research writing (04.10.2022)

Articles in articles (18.10.2022)

Increase your visibility: Write an effective abstract (01.11.2022)

Identifying Disciplinary Preferences in Research Writing (08.11.2022)

How to criticize politely (15.11.2022)

Where is the Author in This Text? (22.11.2022)

Communicating with Reviewers and Editors (06.12.2022)

How to ensure an effective presentation delivery (14.12.2022)


Effective Online Seminars and Meetings (26.01.2021)

How to Prepare and Publish a Paper in Pure Mathematics (08.02.2021)

Argumentation Model for Planning a Research Article (25.02.2021)

Meet the Press: How to Present Your Research to Non-Scientists (02.03.2021)

Strategies for Appropriating Somebody’s Text in Your Article (16.03.2021)

Giving Group Feedback: The Way to a Better Text (01.04.2021)

Handling Professional Disagreements with Grace and Diplomacy (13.04.2021)

Master English Intonation for Effective Communication (27.04.2021)

Writing Emails that Solve Problems (18.05.2021)

Digital fashion in academia: Self-promotion, cross-promotion, and conference promotion (14.09.2021)

How to prepare your unprepared speech (05.10.2021)

Selling academic writing: When and how to be persuasive (09.11.2021)

Syntactic features of academic writing: Problems and solutions (23.11.2021)

Sandwich model for incorporating sources into your text. Part 1 & 2 (07.12.2021 & 14.12.2021)


Increase Your Visibility: Writing an Effective Abstract (29.01.2020)

Reading Strategies for Better Writing (12.02.2020)

Integrating Sources into Academic Writing (25.02.2020)

Grammar Overview for Article Writing (13.03.2020)

Positioning yourself in the global academic world: how to understand what to tell about yourself (25.03.2020)

Mapping out a route to successful academic grammar (07.04.2020)

Dealing with Reviewers (22.04.2020)

The Hows and Whys of Blogging: Is It Really that Different from Academic Writing? (12.05.2020)

Punctuation in Academic Texts: Why Bother? (27.05.2020)

Building Connections in Academia: Are You Good at Small Talk? (10.06.2020)

How to Beat the Writer’s Block (02.10.2020)

How I Stopped Worrying: Presenters’ Survival Kit (07.10.2020)

Hidden Elements of Academic Discourse: Signposting (14.10.2020)

Academic Vocabulary: How to Choose and Use It (21.10.2020)

How to Ensure an Effective Presentation Delivery (28.10.2020)

Let's Network: Different Business Cultures and How to Deal with Them (03.11.2020)

Misunderstood Passive: Do We Need It? (20.11.2020)

Punctuation: Beginners Know Rules, but Veterans Know Exceptions (25.11.2020)

Scrivener - The Tool that has Changed My Life (02.12.2020)

Developing Cultural Fluency: Key Components of Intercultural Communication Competence (16.12.2020)


How to Write a Compelling Conference Proposal (16.01.2019)

Formulating a Research Hypothesis (30.01.2019)

International style in academic writing: less is more. Why pursue clarity and avoid complexity (13.02.2019)

Common Mistakes that Impede Text Readability (26.02.2019)

Master Your Academic Listening Skills (13.03.2019)

Features of Academic Communication in Asian World (28.03.2019)

3Cs of Academic Writing in English: Clear, Concise, Consistent (10.04.2019)

Academic writing: improving your sentence structure (25.04.2019)

Writing a Persuasive Cover Letter (16.05.2019)

Coherence in a Written Text (29.05.2019)

Literature reviews and publication process (10.06.2019)

Paraphrasing and Storytelling in Academic Writing (24.09.2019)

Modals in Academic Writing: Functions and Interactive Aspects (30.10.2019)

The Interplay of Language and Identity (06.11.2019)

Interdisciplinary Studies in High-Impact Journals: Cases of Energy Research Publications (20.11.2019)

Speculation through Conditionals and Modals (04.12.2019)

Challenges for Lawyers: How to Write a Research Text in English (18.12.2019)

Discovering the World of Articles or Turning Bitter Enemies into Loyal Friends (03.10.2019)

Academic Writing as a Rhetorical Problem and Strategies for Solving It (16.10.2019)

Previous Years

Punctuation Matters 

Academic Writing Revisited

Pronunciation Power-up: Public Speaking

Some Common Language Problems for Russian Learners Writing in English as a Second Language

Hedging in Academic Discourse: Strategies and Interactive Aspects 

How to Write an Error-Free Article

Strategies for Self-Editing: How to Recognize, Prioritize, and Fix Common English Grammar Mistakes

The Editor’s Perspective: Style and Structure of an Article in Social Science

Be Plagiarism Free – Examples and Strategies

Devil in the Details – Differences in Quotation Styles

Mastering Lecture Skills: Accent and Clarity

Mastering Lecture Skills: Voice and Intonation

How to Avoid Sociocultural Pitfalls Presenting in English

Mastering Q&A Strategies

An Introduction to Academic Argument

Are You Good at Small Talk?

Public Speaking Techniques

Writing a Winning Grant Proposal

Self-editing Strategies for Better Writing

Revising in Response to Reviewer Feedback

What drives me crazy when I get your email?

Punctuation matters

Adding elegance to your research paper

Mapping the Scholarly Conversation:  Practical Tips For Academic Research and Writing

Political correctness traps and how to avoid them


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