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Illustration for news: Summer break at the AWC

Summer break at the AWC

Dear colleagues, thank you for your enthusiasm and active participation in the life of the Academic Writing Center. Your passion and interest have enabled us to achieve significant milestones this semester.

Illustration for news: New additions to the AWC library

New additions to the AWC library

We are pleased to share good news: the AWC resource center has acquired new literature on using modern technology in education and advanced research-based teaching practices.

Illustration for news: 5 Engaging YouTube Channels for Researchers to Explore

5 Engaging YouTube Channels for Researchers to Explore

In today's world, there are numerous opportunities for self-study, including the innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI) in scientific research. The Academic Writing Center presents a list of YouTube channels that will help scientists understand the possibilities of AI and its application in their research endeavors.

Illustration for news: How and why to be emotionally intelligent in academia?

How and why to be emotionally intelligent in academia?

The Academic Writing Center elegantly closed the spring semester with a discussion about the role of emotional intelligence and empathy in a researcher’s work.

Illustration for news: The basics of IMRaD: Your route to an international publication

The basics of IMRaD: Your route to an international publication

Each semester, the AWC program includes both brand-new courses and tried-and-true ones.

Illustration for news: What is the secret to writing a strong motivation letter?

What is the secret to writing a strong motivation letter?

The motivation letter is a seemingly simple, but in fact a rather challenging genre. On the one hand, there are certain requirements to the format and content that have to be met. On the other hand, a strong letter has to be original and memorable. How can you make a strong impression and stand out from the competition while staying within the conventional framework? These questions were the focus of the online workshop "The art of adequacy: How to write a strong motivation letter" held on May 28th.

Illustration for news: Writing a strong academic text: On grammar and beyond

Writing a strong academic text: On grammar and beyond

Academic writing is a highly demanding endeavor. Like in any other genre, the author should strive to be eloquent and effective, but on top of that - precise and concise. What can help a budding academic writer achieve these standards? A toolkit of smart language techniques, nominalization being one of them. 

Illustration for news: Unveiling the path from an idea to a draft

Unveiling the path from an idea to a draft

What does it take to turn a research idea into a full-fledged study? What nuances should you pay attention to, what tools should you rely on when writing the paper? This semester, we offered a new one-day course aimed at helping colleagues fins answers to these questions.

Illustration for news: How to soften or emphasize in academic writing?

How to soften or emphasize in academic writing?

The Academic Writing Center ran a workshop on hedging and boosting in academic context.

Illustration for news: The art of criticism: How to be polite and constructive

The art of criticism: How to be polite and constructive

In our professional life, we all have to master the art of criticism at some point. This task can be challenging even in a native language, and it often looks daunting when we face the necessity to criticize people from other cultures in a foreign language.