Advertising: How to tailor it for academia
Advertising is certainly not an academic genre. However, researchers also have to promote projects and programs, their lab or university. How can genre features of advertising be adapted for the academic community?

Writing an abstract: How to present your study
This semester, the Academic Writing Center is actively exploring the new one-day course format. This time HSE researchers met online and spent a Saturday working on abstracts.
AI: What’s new for researchers?
The Academic Writing Center continues the series of workshops on technology at writers’ service.

From a study to an article
We are pleased to announce successful completion of the online course "Basics of Writing an Empirical Research Article in English" guided by the instructor Natalia Smirnova.

From confusion to clarity: A workbook on verb tenses in research writing
At our resource center, we offer a range of materials to help you improve academic writing skills. These include not only online resources, but also books, teaching materials, and self-study workbooks.
Can we trust AI in academic writing?
The use of AI in academic writing is rapidly increasing, with technologies like ChatGPT being incorporated into the publication workflow. However, there are still concerns about the trustworthiness of AI-generated content. This topic was explored further in the lecture "Taking a bite of AI: Let's chew on it together."
A fruitful Saturday: Diving into research writing
The Academic Writing Center constantly tries out new educational formats. Last week, we hosted a pilot one-day face-to-face course focused on structuring a research article in social sciences.

How to tell the world about your research
When you have carried out research, you would like to share its novelty and contribution with the community. But how to do it effectively?

What is your source?
A literature review is an essential component of any research study, but can be a daunting task due to the amount of reading and critical thinking required. The workshop "Making your path to a literature review easier" offered a step-by-step approach to creating a comprehensive literature review.

Video & Podcasts: Make your research go beyond academia
The AWC held a workshop on creative ways of disseminating research: video abstracts, podcasts, and social media.