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AWC Welcome Day

AWC Welcome Day is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Center and our services.

At the beginning of each school year, we run interactive workshops where experts in academic communication and experienced authors share their experience. The Day aims to show that writing an academic text in English is a challenging but doable task with the help of the Center. The AWC team members also hold workshops and presentations to spread the word about the Center, clarify all the details, and share plans.

Our doors are always open, and you are already invited to the next AWC Welcome Day in 2025!

Previous AWC Welcome days


The AWC Welcome Day held 4 workshops gathering 98 participants. The topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has garnered the most attention from the audience.


Start mapping out your literature review with AI

Breaking barriers: From a blank page to a published article

Reviewer’s nightmare

A case study: How to write and publish it


The AWC Welcome Day featured six speakers and had 115 participants - isn’t that a good start?


I’m done with research: Which journal to choose

Making literature search a fun process

Homo Scribens: How to become a researcher who can write

What does it mean to collaborate well? Practical and research perspectives

A ten-year experience of writing research papers in mathematics and life sciences

Accord or discord: Embarking on the AI-Human Odyssey with ChatGPT


The AWC Welcome Day held 6 workshops gathering 120 participants. We can proudly say that it was in fact a mini-conference!


Writing mathematical proofs

"Your research is great but rewrite the whole text”: Self-editing for publication

How to make your editor mad

How I would change my first published article

How to make the most of your time at a consultation

Translation is not enough: A lesson from a publication failure


The AWC ran three workshops with the HSE renowned researchers who shared their experience of publishing in the international journals.


How to make a shitty draft into a high-ranking publication

We shall overcome: Problems and solutions of non-native writers

English as a means, not an aim: From a language course to an international project


AWC Welcome Day was held online for the first time. More than 100 colleagues from all HSE campuses attended five workshops on various topics.


How I argued with reviewers and won

Finding international research partners via social media: Strategies and Pitfalls

Academic writing group experience: Who Benefits?

From paper to dissertation

Why the editor often asks “Why?"


The speakers explained how to publish a monograph, increase Hirsch index, and have fruitful collaboration with international co-authors.


Writing a monograph: A quick quide

Increasing your citations and Hirsch Index

Сollaboration with foreign coauthors: Do's and dont's


AWC Welcome Day, an event that caters to all HSE teaching or research staff giving them the opportunity to discover the Center's activities and resources, was held for the first time. It was so successful that we made it our annual event. 


Sociocultural language mistakes to avoid

Tips for a successful presentation

Now you know I’m the right one, or how to make your application convincing

Q&A: Efficient asking and answering strategies


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