Happy New Year 2024!
Four days before the new year is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the year’s results. Let's take a look at all the exciting things we’ve experienced in 2023 at the Academic Writing Center.
This year, we’ve run 1,253 consultations; 32 workshops, including AWC Welcome Day and the Five-o'clock Tea at the AWC project; and 12 courses, seven of which were in a new one-day format.
Our YouTube channel continues to thrive. We’ve uploaded 31 more workshop recordings, and 155 new followers have joined us.
Do you remember our blog? Well, it has become even more accessible now because you can find it directly on the AWC website. This year, we’ve added 10 blogs by different authors.
In addition, we’ve started a weekly microblog, #FridayWritingTips, in the "Careers in Science" Telegram channel, and we also post our tips on our website.
We have added 40 new tools to our online resource collection and introduced a new category specifically for AI tools designed for researchers and educators.
And of course, we haven't stopped publishing self-study materials for HSE researchers. This year, we printed two more workbooks focused on developing grammar and vocabulary for research writing. Now we have ten workbooks in our collection!
We would like to thank everyone who actively uses our services and supports us. Your achievements are what truly matters to us.
We have exciting plans in store for the new year, and we can't wait to share them with you. Stay tuned and check our website for the updates. Visit us in G505, 11 Pokrovsky blvd to explore our library and grab some self-study materials.
Thank you once again for being a part of our journey. Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season!