What's new in the Academic Writing Center's “Useful Resources”
Have you been to our online resources page? We regularly update our database with useful links and free applications that will bring your English language skills closer to perfection.
We would love to share with you some updates to our "Useful Links" section.
From November 2022 to May 2023, AMC Online opens online programs and new digital opportunities for collaborative learning and communication. For example, you can talk about a wide range of topics in a conversation club, discuss interesting films, talk to like-minded people about poetry, and much, much more. The activities are designed to develop discussion skills and are completely free of charge.
Another new resource is a page with expanded useful resources from iste.org. The portal has quality-learning materials in the public domain. There is a lot to help you learn and teach the language, from complete study programs and textbooks to educational videos and images.
You can find these and many other useful links on our websitе. Come on in! We'd be delighted if you find something useful for you.