Diagnostic module "Finding Your Route to Research Writing"
Every year the Academic Writing Center and the High-Potential Group conduct the diagnostic module "Finding Your Route to Research Writing."
The module aims to identify participants' level of English and help them plan their individual professional development. At the module, participants do various interesting tasks and learn about different PD opportunities that the AWC has to offer.
At the end of the module, each participant receives individual feedback and recommendations on how to improve their language skills.
Participants' Feedback
- "Superb! It is a simple way to test your knowledge and plan further development."
- "Very friendly teacher who tries to help and involve everyone."
- "I haven’t had such a great experience for a long time. It's been a lot of fun."
- "The focus on speaking is great, since I do not get the chance to practice my spoken English much."
- "Thanks for the interesting tasks that I will use at my lessons, too."
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