The missing linkers
In brief:
- Linkers are rarely used in writing.
- Cohesive devices are very common and almost invisible.

Marry English Words Wisely: Handy Combinability Resources
Every text consists of words, and it seems easy to combine them into sentences in our mother tongue. However, it is not that simple when we write in a foreign language. We need to know quite a lot of information about the word to use it effectively. Namely, we have to find out the word’s form, meaning, and specifics of its use.

“Your Research is Great, but Rewrite the Whole Text”: Self-Editing for Publication
The very first thing we learn about academic writing is that great research alone does not make a great publication — or, for that matter, any kind of publication. You need to present it properly. When publishing internationally, it means good academic English — something that equals English per se plus a myriad of far-from-obvious rules of contemporary (yes, these rules do change quickly!) academic writing. The second thing we’re likely to learn is that no matter how well you mastered the rules, it is nearly impossible to get it right at the first try. Long before its encounter with anonymous reviewers, your paper needs editing.