The Wall of Podcasting Fame

Below you will find names and titles of Academic Writing Podcasting main contributors. The project started in December of 2011, and it took the team nearly half a year to plan, draft, compose, perform, record, change, re-record and publish 25 episodes, each lasting about 10 minutes and accompanied with a pdf. Now, having heard their voices, you can actually see (!) who was hiding behind the scenes all these months.
The Queen of Giggles (aka Speedy Talk) Voice and texts (podcasts 1-19)
Jack of All Trades. Idea; content selection; sound mastering; voice (podcasts 1-10)
Dr Smarty Smilie. Expert; text and voice (podcast 11)
The Prince of Tranquillity. Voice (podcasts 11-16)
The Lord of Improvisation. Voice (podcasts 17-19)
Br’er Ti:cher. Voice (podcasts 20-25)
Princess of Accent. Voice and texts (podcasts 20-25)
Lady Methodology. Expert
Captain Constructive Criticism. Expert
The Holder of Keys and the Mic Stand Master
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