We Have Something to Tell our Colleagues Abroad

17-19 April 2019 NATE Jubilee Conference: 25 Years of Navigating Through Challenges was held in Saint Petersburg
Svetlana Suchkova did a workshop on classroom research, which aimed to inspire teachers of English to share their teaching experience with international professionals. “We have a lot of talented teachers, whose discoveries, practices, and successes, colleagues abroad should know about.” It was a pleasure to receive many pleasant reviews both from Russian and foreign colleagues. Many thanks to all participants of the workshop.
Read more about the conference in reviews: news.ifmo.ru/en/education/official/news/8448/?fbclid=IwAR3k6ThcxWU9jB_0dRorK1U-vmo9iSACpihqr04EDr7JjdTWLoGe9_SznIs
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