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How to soften or emphasize in academic writing?

The Academic Writing Center ran a workshop on hedging and boosting in academic context.

How to soften or emphasize in academic writing?

It is hardly possible to write a research paper or a monograph without referring to other scientists’ studies and evaluating them. Offering your opinion requires mastery in academic discourse, as you have to remain accurate and correct at all times. Authors conventionally make use of special linguistic techniques to soften a negative remark or make their statements sound stronger.

The workshop "Show your voice in the text: Using boosting and hedging techniques," which the AWC held on April 25, was focused on hedging and boosting techniques used in academic writing. We would like to thank the speaker Olga Karamalak for the particularly useful content and the colleagues who attended the workshop for their active involvement.

  • “The workshop was well-structured, with lots of wisely-organized tasks.”
  • “I found the topic highly relevant. There were practical exercises and examples.”

Next week you have an opportunity to participate in a face-to-face discussion at our workshop on nominalization in academic writing. Join us for more activities, communication, and new knowledge!