Speakers' materials
Learn more about AWC speakers' materials on academic writing and speaking. On this page, you will find handouts and recommended resources developed by the AWC workshops.
Workshop "Digital fashion in academia: Self-promotion, cross-promotion, and conference promotion"
Speakers: Olga Karamalak, Associate Professor of the HSE School of Foreign Languages (Moscow) and Katharina Sand, Professor at the Fashion Department of UQAM (Montreal).
Workshop "Grantwriting 101: All-purpose approaches to writing successful grants"
Speakers: Ron Martinez, Associate Editor of the Oxford University Press journal Applied Linguistics, Professor at the University of Arkansas (USA) and Talinn Phillips, Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Writing & Research Center at Ohio University (USA).
Workshop "Argumentation: How to spot and avoid logical fallacies"
Speaker: Natalia Fedorova, manager at the HSE Academic Writing Center.
Workshop "How to Prepare and Publish a Paper in Pure Mathematics"
Speaker: Ivan Arzhantsev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Head of the Laboratory of Algebraic Transformation Groups at the Faculty of Mathematics, HSE University.
Workshop "Scrivener - The Tool that has Changed My Life"
Speaker: Lada Smirnova, a PhD from the University of Manchester and DELTA (UCLES, Cambridge). She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Programs of the Institute of Education in the HSE.
Algorithm of writing a paper 'over a weekend'
Workshop "Academic writing traditions: Tips on how to switch from local to international publishing requirements"
Speaker: Irina Khoutyz, Doctor of Philology, is a professor at Kuban State University. Since 2016 Irina has been coordinating the master degree program “Cross-сultural communication in international academic environment”.
Workshop "Cross-cultural dialogue: Unlocking the potential of failure"
Speaker: Johanna Campbell, MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Houston, has been a teacher trainer, conference presenter, writing center editor, public speaking coach, and a young adult English club teacher.
Workshop "Taking a bite of AI: Let's chew on it together"
Speaker: Ivan Sterligov, the founding director of HSE Scientometrics Center and a current advisor to the HSE Vice-Rector.
Course "Enhance your Writing Using AI Tools"
Speaker: Diana Akhmedjanova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Programmes, Institute of Education, HSE.
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