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Workshop "Handling difficulties in writing: Psychological tips and pre-writing strategies"

Event ended

When approaching a writing task, authors often overlook the fact that writing is a psychologically demanding process. Writing difficulties may happen at different levels: cognitive (lack of ideas, “foggy” mind, attention slips), emotional (fear of blank page, apathy, even anger), and behavioral (procrastination, demotivation). Not knowing or ignoring one’s own barriers may have an overall negative effect on the result and interfere with the writing process. 

This session will help participants identify and explore their own writing difficulties through self-reflection and group work. At the second stage of the session, we will look at a variety of pre-writing strategies that can help authors overcome their difficulties. These pre-writing strategies are inspired by psychology, theories of learning, coaching, methodology of teaching writing, and academic writing practices. 

By the end of the session, participants will learn about typical writing difficulties authors face, will become aware of their own possible barriers, and will get to know pre-writing and during writing strategies that can help them overcome these barriers.

Speaker: Ekaterina Redkina is a psychologist and a qualified EFL teacher with more than 10 years of experience. She is a CELTA, TKT CLIL, IHCAM and DELTA (M1-2) holder, and a Fulbright scholar. Currently, she is teaching at the Institute of International Education of Moscow Pedagogical State University. Her primary interests are CLIL, ESP, EAP, lesson frameworks, syllabus and materials design, and the use of information technology in the ELT practice.

Target audience: HSE teachers, researchers, and graduate students
Language: English
Date & Time: October 3, 17:30 - 19:30
Location: 11 Pokrovsky blvd, K-416
