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Workshop "Show your attitude: Modality as an element of the author’s voice"

In academic texts, the ability to express the author's attitude is crucial to develop a persuasive and authoritative voice. This workshop explores modality as a key tool for articulating levels of certainty, possibility, and obligation in academic discourse. The workshop will provide an overview of grammatical, lexical, stylistic, and rhetoric means for expressing the writer’s attitude. We will explore how these means may be applied in each part of an academic article (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) in accordance with the communicative purpose of each section. Strategic use of modality helps authors professionally demonstrate their authority, acknowledge uncertainty, and maintain a professional tone. Through interactive activities, practical examples, and collaborative analysis, the workshop equips participants with the skills to enhance clarity in their writing.

Speaker: Ekaterina Redkina is a psychologist and a qualified EFL teacher with more than 10 years of experience. She is a CELTA, TKT CLIL, IHCAM and DELTA (M1-2) holder, and a Fulbright scholar. Currently, she is teaching at the Institute of International Education of Moscow Pedagogical State University. Her primary interests are CLIL, ESP, EAP, lesson frameworks, syllabus and materials design, and the use of information technology in the ELT practice.

Target audience: HSE teachers, researchers, and graduate students
Language: English
Date & Time: April 8, 17:30 - 19:30
Location: 11 Pokrovsky boulevard, К-416


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