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«Алло, мы ищем таланты» или конкурс Центра академического письма ВШЭ

Поздравляем победителей конкурса стихов на английском языке!

В этом году Центру академического письма исполняется 10 лет, и мы счастливы, что вы смогли разделить это радостное событие с нами.

Мы сердечно благодарим всех участников конкурса стихов на английском языке на тему Writing in English. Из 40 присланных стихов жюри конкурса выбрали три.

Поздравляем авторов-победителей:

Саниязова Арай Галымжановна

Эксперт в Лаборатории исследований студенческого опыта

Захарова Наталья Сергеевна

Аналитик в Центре развития навыков и профессионального образования

Калимуллина Мадина Эмировна

Старший научный сотрудник в Институте права и развития ВШЭ — Сколково

Стихи победителей

Арай Саниязова

Writing is diving:
The ocean of words
Writing is striving:
Make sense of the verbs
Writing is fighting:
Blank paper and screen
Writing is lightning:
Idea! You scream! 
Writing is citing:
Give credits – you win
Writing is biting:
Don’t throw in the bin
Writing is hyping?
Sometimes may be worth
Writing is typing?
Wait! Why on earth?
Yes, writing is struggling
And often is juggling
But what is inviting
It’s very exciting!

Наталья Захарова

Whenever your imperfect writing skills,
Make you feel hopeless, worthless and frustrated,
Put down your thoughts in writing.
Mind you! Ideas must be brief and simply stated.

Your introduction should include the gist -
The main frustration triggers, plain and clear.
(Read the example)
“I’m fed up with rules of writing
In the Academic sphere!”

Next, take a break, relax or have a snack,
Reward yourself, you’ve made a mighty effort!
Then brace yourself and work like a maniac
To make up the first draft and then proofread it.

(Read the example)
“Writing the first draft
Is commonly a real excruciation!”.
Then, make examples, relevant and apt,
Provide the recent data (wide selection!).

Then take a walk around your oak desk
(or any other object, doesn’t matter!)
Get back to writing! That’s your homestretch!
(You’ll see that very soon you’ll feel much better!)

(Read the example)
“Let’s recap the case.
Burnt out, hungry, overworked, exhausted.
But competent!”
And when it is in press,
Enjoy your pint with chicken legs, well-roasted=)

Мадина Каллимулина

The journal has swallowed my paper

The journal has swallowed my paper
Without returning it back. 
My effort was hard by no matter:
I failed to get the feedback.

10 months since initial parting 
I see neither loss nor gain.
Response from the clerk is non-hearting:  
«I’ve sent a reminder AGAIN».

My thoughts and my hopes are dying
The mind demands the critique. 
My future research non-inspiring
While current results so mystique. 


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