My First Preprint online course

This course is meant to guide participants through writing a working paper in HSE preprint series. Upon successful completion, participants will be able to submit their works to Центр Фундаментальных Исследований.


Course framework


input from reading, video and web-sources


webinars with two co-teachers (4 academic hours per session)
online one-to-one sessions with tutors
group collaboration


distant proofreading with comments from experts (native speakers of English)
online one-to-one sessions with experts (native speakers of English)
final webinar with two co-teachers

Webinar dates:  March 19 or 26,  April 2, 16 - 23, 24; May 14, 15-31, 28, 28-10; june 14 (4 academic hours per session)



Participants will receive a PASS on the course if they attend at least 5 online webinars and successfully submit their final papers before February 8 to This is a professional development course offered by ЦПК. Successful candidates’ names will appear in HSE dater base. Unfortunately, there will be no paper-based certifrication. 


Home assignment

Participants may expect workload equivalent up to 4 real hours per week.



Zhenya Bakin, Moscow

Natalia Smirnova, St Petersburg


Who should apply

This course is aimed at researchers working on publications in English. Participants who have completed their studies and are willing to put them on paper will benefit most. No experience in publishing in English is required.

HSE affiliation is a must. Students may not apply unless they are a part of a research group.


Language requirements

Strong intermediate and higher (CEFR B2)

Правила отбора заявок и проведения курса - 2015.pdf
schedule-spring 2015.pdf

Application deadline:  March 16 (better before march 06)